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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Capstone: An Introduction to the Construction Management Profession (2020)

Author(s): CMAA

The Capstone is intended to provide a basic understanding of construction management and the role of the construction manager (CM). It is divided into the following chapters:

1. Owners and Project Types – An introduction to project owners (those who hire CMs), the various types of construction projects, and the most common delivery methods (or procedures) used to manage a project to completion.

2. Contracts and Agreements – An overview of the most common types of contracts and agreements used in the construction industry and why they are important.

3. Procurement – A summary of how the owner builds and compensates a project team, including the CM.

4. Technology – A brief look at the way technology is reshaping the construction industry to make the work safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

5. Leadership – Helpful information for personal and professional development as a CM by focusing on leadership and ethics.

6. Management – A list of a CM’s project management responsibilities including cost, time, risk, quality, contracts, and IT. Also, the difference between project and program management, and the concept of partnering.

7. Safety and Liability Risks – An important section on safety management on the job, liability risk information, and dispute resolution techniques.

8. Career Development – Information on how to make the most of a career as a CM through mentoring, earning credentials, networking, and obtaining on-the-job experience.

Appendices include the following reference materials:

» Readings and References » Liability Legal Cases

» Industry Abbreviations

» Industry Glossary

» About CMAA

» CMAA Code of Professional Ethics

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